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Version: 0.7.x

Accessibility Label

The accessibilityLabel is the text that assistive technology reads when the component is focused and AMA requires it by tappable elements.

No Accessibility Label

The problem

Let's consider the following example:

<Pressable onPress={contactUs} accessibilityRole="button">
Contact us

When testing the button with both VoiceOver and TalkBack, they both read:

button, Contact us, double-tap to activate

Because the component has no accessibilityLabel, only the accessibilityRole is announced; they read the inner text, if any, and in this case: Contact us. Finally, the last part tells the user that the component can be interacted with by performing a double-tap.

What's happen if no text is available?

<Pressable onPress={goBack} accessibilityRole="button">
<SVGIcon />

When testing the button with both VoiceOver and TalkBack, they both read:

button, double-tap to activate

Here the assistive technology only reads the role and the action that can be performed with the component. So there is a complete lack of helpful information about what we're going to trigger.

Let's fix it

// 1.
<Pressable onPress={contactUs} accessibilityRole="button" accessibilityLabel="Contact US">
Contact us

// 2.
<Pressable onPress={goBack} accessibilityRole="button" accessibilityLabel="Go back">
<SVGIcon />

When testing with the assistive technology, this happens:

Contact us button, double-tap to activate Go back button, double-tap to activate

The accessibilityLabel is announced first, then the role and the action that can be performed at the end.

For this reason, AMA requires that tappable elements have the accessibilityLabel defined.

All CAPS Accessibility Label

All CAPS accessibility labels affect how and what a screen reader reads, so a non-CAPS one should always be provided.

No inflection

Both Talkback and VoiceOver reads the words with the same flat tone, which becomes more noticeable with long sentences.

Wrong spelling

Some words could be misinterpreted, causing the screen readers to read a word as separate characters.


<Pressable accessibilityLabel="ADD TO THE CART">...</Pressable> 

This is how the different screen readers handle the uppercase label:

Voice OverTalkback
A-D-D to the cartAdd to the cart

In this case, VoiceOver does the spelling of the word ADD while talkback reads it correctly. The remaining words are read correctly by both screen readers.


Voice OverTalkback
Contact U.S.Contact U.S.

The word CONTACT is read correctly, but both screen readers spell the word US as it is interpreted as U.S. for `United States.

A similar issue happens if a sentence contains the word IT, for example.

AMA dev runtime errors


This error is used when a pressable element has no accessibilityLabel defined.


This rule is mandatory and cannot be turned off!


This is used when a component has the accessibilityLabel prop in all caps.


Is it possible to specify a list of allowed all caps accessibility labels, more info here

External resources

Some helpful resources about accessibility and all caps.